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Seminar dan Kongres VIII ASPI. Denpasar, 16 Oktober 2015

Asosiasi Sekolah Perencanaan Indonesia (ASPI), adalah organisasi yang menjadi wadah berhimpun sekolah-sekolah perencanaan di Indonesia. ASPI merupakan organisasi sukarela, nirlaba, dan non politik, dengan manfaat dan kerja sama yang saling menguntungkan.

ASPI didirikan tanggal 31 Maret 2000, berdasarkan kesepakatan yang didahului oleh beberapa sekolah perencanaan melalui Deklarasi Pendirian Asosiasi Sekolah perencanaan Indonesia

ASPI bermaksud mempercepat pengembangan dan penyebarluasan ilmu dan profesi perencanaan di Indonesia. Asosiasi ini bertujuan meningkatkan keberadaan ilmu perencanaan dalam kelompok disiplin ilmu yang berdiri sendiri, mendorong sekolah-sekolah perencanaan untuk mengembangkan pendidikan perencanaan. serta memfasilitasi sekolah-sekolah perencanaan dalam bekerjasama dengan lembaga/ instansi pemerintah, swasta, masyarakat, baik nasional maupun internasional.


20 Mei 2024 – Deklarasi LAM DEPILAR

Ketua ASPI Adiwan Fahlan Aritenang, ST., M. GIT., Ph.D melakukan penandatanganan Delarasi LAM DEPILAR. Jakarta, 20 Mei 2024.

Pada tanggal 20 Mei 2024, ASPI melakukan Deklarasi pembentukan Perkumpulan Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Desain Perencanaan Lingkungan Arsitektur (LAM DEPILAR) bersama beberapa  organisasi profesi (OP) dan asosiasi unit pengelolan program studi (AUPPS), dalam lingkup sub rumpun keilmuan Desain, Perencanaan, Lingkungan, dan Arsitektur. Acara Deklarasi ini dilakukan di gedung Jakarta Design Center (JDC), Jakarta. more


Kepala OIKN dan Ketua ASPI melakukan Kerjasama dan meresmikan pelaksanaan Forum Akademik Nusantara. Semarang 8 Maret 2024.

Asosiasi Sekolah Perencanaan Indonesia (ASPI) dan Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantara bersepakat untuk melakukan kerjasama dengan melakukan penandatangan Nota Kesepahaman Kerjasama pada tanggal 8 Maret 2024 di Semarang. Dalam kesempatan ini juga dilakukan peresmian dan pelaksanaan sesi 1 Forum Akademik Nusantara dengan “Regional Development for 3 Cities (Nusantara, Balikpapan, Samarinda)” yang menampilkan narasumber dari OIKN dan ASPI. more


15-16 September 2023 – Seminar Nasional dan Kongres XII ASPI


ASPI telah menyelenggarakan Seminar Nasional, dan Kongres XII pada hari Jumat – Sabtu, 15-16 September 2023  di Kampus Institut Teknologi Kalimantan dan Kota Balikpapan. Dalam kegiatan ini ASPI menerima 10 program studi sekolah perencanaan yang baru, sehingga tahun 2023 ini anggota ASPI menjadi 98 program studi. Sebagai Ketua ASPI periode 2023-2025 telah ditetapkan Dr. Adiwan Fahlan Aritenang dari ITB beserta Badan Pengurus ASPI baik pada tingkat Nasional maupun tingkat wilayah … more


5th World Planning Schools Congress 
16th Asian Planning Schools Association Congress 

“Planning A Global Village: Inclusion, Innovation, and Disruption”

Hybrid Congress in Bali, Indonesia
29 August – 2 September 2022


The WPSC APSA Congress 2022 is a joint Congress between the 5th WPSC and the 16th APSA Congress. The WPSC is a 5 yearly congress held by the Global Planning Education Network – GPEAN starting in 2001. The APSA Congress is 2 yearly Congress held by Asian Planning Schools Association – APSA. The 5th WPSC and the 16th APSA congress will become a monumental event to celebrate two decades of global planning education association to promote more productive collaborations among planning education institutions.

The 5th World Planning School Congress – 16th Asian Planning School Association Congress aims to create a forum for the exchange of ideas, a progressive hub for professional and academic networking as well as an alternative outlet to share your latest works.

The 5th World Planning School Congress – 16th Asian Planning School Association Congress organizers welcome the submission of abstracts and sessions proposals. The Congress will be held in hybrid on 29 August – 02 September 2022 in Bali, Indonesia.

See more information about the WPSC APSA Congress 2022.



1. Hasil Workshop ASPI 1-2 Desember 2017:

Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota



1. Seminar Nasional dan Kongres XI ASPI 2021

Pada hari Jumat tanggal 3 September 2021, ASPI telah menyelenggarakan Kongres XI sebagai agenda strategis organisasi yang dilaksanakan setiap 2 tahun sekali.. (more…)

2. 15th APSA Congress – Seoul 2019

“Livable Cities and Innovation” 

The 15th Asian Planning Schools Association – APSA Congress 2019 “Livable Cities and Innovation” has been held at Seoul National University – Seoul, Republic of Korea on last 22-23 August 2019. (more…)

15th APSA Congress participants at Seoul National University – Seoul, Republic of Korea, 22-23 August 2019.

3. Side Event of ASPI in WUF 9 – Kuala Lumpur 2018

Capacity Building for the New Urban Agenda: Education of Planners” 

The event was a collaboration between ASPI and GPEAN that was held on Saturday 10 February from 2:00-3:00 PM in room 305 at the venue of the WUF 9, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Malaysia.

ASPI Side event session at WUF 9. 10 February 2018, KLCC Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The speakers of the side event i.e. Dr. Bruce Stiftel (ACSP); Dr. Enrique Silva (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy/UNHABITAT), Dr. Zeynep Gunay (TUBOP), Dr. Juan Ángel Demerutis Arenas (ALEUP), Haryo Winarso, Ph.D (ASPI), with the moderator: Bakti Setiawan, Ph.D (ASPI).

ASPI has participated to (more…)

Cities 2030, Cities for all: Implementing the New Urban Agenda

The Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum is the first session to focus on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda adopted in Habitat III.

WUF 9 expected as an instrumental to substantively feed into the inputs for the first report of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda. The Forum contributes to global mobilization towards advocating for the common vision on sustainable urban development in advancing on the achievement of the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

More information about WUF 9 could see: http://wuf9.org/


4. Side event of ASPI in Prepcom 3 Habitat III – Surabaya 2016

Implementing multi-level, integrated planning in the New Urban Agenda – How can planning, planners, and planning schools adapt?

Surabaya – Indonesia, 25 July 2016

Discussion at Prepcom 3 Habitat III side event, organized by ISOCARP and ASPI. Surabaya, 25 July 2016.

Organized by ISOCARP and ASPI

Moderator: Shipra Narang Suri – ISOCARP


  • Emilia Saiz – UCLG
  • Raf Tuts – UNHABITAT
  • Mack Joong Choi – KPA/APSA
  • Haryo Winarso – ASPI
  • Tadashi Matsumoto – OECD
  • Bruce Stiftel – GPEAN

The objectives of the session especially were to explore:

  1. How urban planners and other urban professionals can adapt to the new demands of integrated, multi-level planning being discussed in the New Urban Agenda.
  2. How planning education and research contribute to the capacity building of urban planners and evaluate the achievement of Habitat III agenda.